2532 15th St
Denver, Colorado

September 17 Battle Royale: Django vs. Rails!

Doesn’t that title sound exciting?

Refresh Denver returns next week with a shared bill featuring Jay Graves and Ryan Cross. Jay and Ryan will be demonstrating building the same application using Django and Ruby on Rails respectively.

Jay works at Local Matters, but is an avid Django developer outside the day shift. He’s been using Django since it’s release over three years ago. Jay also runs a local bar review site called BarDiver.com. Find him on twitter and anywhere else as @skabber.

Ryan owns Cylence Web Design, a company specializing in web standards-compliant sites written in Ruby on Rails and PHP as well as Second Life to web site intergration. Find Ryan as @slant and @cylenceweb on (what seems to be) the web geek national pastime.

Though I can’t promise anything yet, we are working on a possible remote special guest. Stay tuned!

So come on out, meet some fellow designers and developers from the area. We’ve had attendance from Ft. Collins, Colorado Springs, and, yes, even Boulder, at past meetups. Spread the word!

Official Website: http://www.refreshdenver.org

Added by jetfiredesign on September 3, 2008