601 E Street NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20049

Rich Internet Applications, or RIAs, have the potential to find themselves in an uncanny valley: users expect them to work like websites, with back buttons and useful URLs, but at the same time expect them to fit equally into a desktop paradigm. Developers want the ease of HTML & CSS with the capabilities of platforms like Flex. This talk addresses these dichotomies (the pros, the cons, the lessons learned, and the trade-offs) and discusses ways that these platforms can be used to create rich applications that support a great user experience.

Cindy Blue and John Stuppy are user experience lead and senior developer, respectively, for Roundarch here in the DC area. They work on web apps, RIAs, and other digital interfaces for clients ranging from the Army to Tesla motors.

Official Website: http://refresh-dc.org

Added by whafro on October 9, 2009



Is cloning humans possible yet? This looks like a great talk and I'm suppose to be somewhere else this night.


Yes, but the clones start as babies, so you'd need time travel to go back a few decades first.

I've heard there's an app for that...