6200 Windhaven Parkway
Plano, Texas 75093

Presentation: Creating Pleasurable Interfaces presented by Stephen P. Anderson

Usable interfaces are not enough. When everything looks good and
works well, the applications that stand out are the ones that
satisfy unmet – and often unarticulated – needs. But how do you
design workable interfaces that also account for intangible things
like emotions?

Stephen P. Anderson will discuss the new skills needed to create
desirable experiences, explaining why a task-based approach to
design is no longer enough.

To get a sense of where things are headed, this session surveys
the evolution of interface design, with comparisons to product
and environmental design. Learn what's needed to incorporate
desirability and emotions into modern interfaces, and why an
engaging experience might be more satisfying than one that is

Please RSVP using this event or by sending an email, include month in title: rsvp {at} refreshdallas {dot} org

We'll provide the pizza and drinks, if you provide the questions and conversation. Come early (7:00) to mingle with like-minded designers and developers, soak in a fresh presentation (7:30), and then stick around afterwards to meet up at Café Gecko (9:00).

What is Refresh Dallas?
Refresh is a community of designers and developers working to refresh the creative, technical and professional aspects of new media endeavors in the Dallas area. Do you feel like the web needs a new look? Interested in the latest web technologies? Care about design, but feel it must be usable? Then you've come to the right place.

Official Website: http://www.refreshdallas.org/

Added by cgriego on November 1, 2006