1660 Westridge Circle North
Irving, Texas 75038

Think web performance is all about load balancing, database indexes, and memory management? Think again. Recent research shows that 80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the front-end.

The way you develop your site's HTML, CSS, and JavaScript makes a big impact on how long it takes your site to load. But, speeding up your site doesn’t have to mean throwing out best practices. Chris Griego will show you the guidelines and techniques to combine performance with a solid front-end architecture.

Blake Elshire will present a case study for Marblehead's site, showing the benefits of implementing these changes. Also, a new tool will be demoed that helps automate some of these guidelines.

Here's the Rundown
Come early (7:00) to mingle with like-minded designers and developers and then soak in a fresh presentation (7:30).

Free Pizza & Drinks
We'll provide the pizza and drinks (thanks to Marblehead) if you provide the questions and conversation.

Official Website: http://refreshdallas.org/

Added by Jeff Adams on May 29, 2008
