Hosted by Audacia Ray
Happy Ending, 302 Broome Street between Forsyth and Eldridge, in New York City
Thursday, October 7. Doors at 7 pm, reading from 8-10
21 and up – FREE
15% of the bar proceeds benefits the Sex Workers Project
Starring: Tobi Hill-Meyer, Ducky Doolittle, Laura G. Duncan, Billy Pelt, and Alithea Howes.
Tobi Hill-Meyer is just about your average multiracial, pansexual, transracially inseminated queerspawn, genderqueer, transdyke, colonized mestiza, pornographer, activist, writer.
Having been less than thrilled with both her own experience in mainstream porn and the amount of representation trans women have in queer and feminist porn, she directing and produced Doing it Ourselves: The Trans Women Porn Project, winning the Emerging Filmmaker award from the Feminist Porn Awards in the process.
With more than two decades working in the field of sexuality, Ducky Doolittle graduated from behind the peepshow glass to the front of the class. Today she is a celebrated Sex Educator and the author of “Sex with the Lights On: 200 Illuminating Sex Questions Answered” Ducky is also a certified Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Counselor. Harvard University has cited her as their “favorite, most informative and hilarious” sex educators ever to grace their campus. MTV said, “Who do you want to talk about sexuality with? Ducky DooLittle. She knows it all!” Ducky is the President of Love U Parties, a healthy-for-the-body sex toy company.
Laura G. Duncan is a sexual health researcher, educator and writer currently living in Brooklyn. Her research deals with issues of sexuality within medicine, focusing on health literacy and accessibility among underserved populations. She has taught sex education at a high school, health non-profit and medical school and she currently works as an abortion doula with The Doula Project. She also performs a multimedia research presentation on teledildonics and sexual robotics in venues around New York City.
Billy Pelt is the lead singer of Billy Pelt and The Plaid Panthers, a cuntry and cabaret band based in the East Village and is the founder of the Grendel Socialist Music Theatre. He’s 5’10”, 160, 6.5c, versatile, bisexual and great in groups. He can be found on #220965
Alithea Howes takes her clothes off in bars and teaches people how to be kinky. She has been performing burlesque since 2005 and stunning audiences with her creative twists on the art of burlesque. After becoming a professional dominatrix in 2006 she began teaching classes on the art of kink and has taught for TES, DSF, and GD2 among others. She is also a writer, a storyteller and an artist. Find her on facebook, fetlife (under the name Coraline) or look her up at
The Sex Workers Project provides legal services and legal training, and engages in documentation and policy advocacy, for sex workers. Using a harm reduction and human rights model, we protect the rights and safety of sex workers who by choice, circumstance, or coercion remain in the industry.
Official Website:
Added by audaciaray on September 23, 2010