5 Central Ave
Staten Island, New York 10301

Stop by the St. George Library on Saturday afternoon to learn about recycling and composting. Michael Rieser, Council on the Environment of New York City’s Staten Island Recycling Outreach Coordinator will reveal his recycling tricks, answer your recycling questions and show you how to become a recycling champion in your community.

Master Composter “Worm Woman” Nancy Biggs and Instructor Mark Bigelow from the Staten Island Compost Project at Snug Harbor will discuss the essentials to composting. Learn how fun and easy creating rich compost from your food scraps and yard waste can be! Free composting resources and LIVE worm bins will be available to examine.

The knowledge gained this Saturday afternoon will give you the confidence to you need reduce waste all year long. Good for ALL AGES!

Added by margina9 on September 24, 2009

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