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As America Recycles Day approaches, The Bra Recyclers, are proud to bring attention to a item often overlooked by many recyclers – Bras! That’s right, The Bra Recyclers, a division of Bosom Buddy Bra Recycling in Gilbert, AZ is a textile recycling company dedicated to recycling gently used bras. Bras recycled through the Bra Reyclers program are redistributed to women in need nationally and globally. On November 15, America Recycles Day, the Bra Recyclers are asking that nationwide recyclers look beyond the typically recycled items (paper, plastic, aluminum etc) and look to their drawers to help empower women in need and promote environmental sustainability by reducing the number of textiles ending up in landfills.

According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) an estimated 12.4 million tons of textile waste was generated in 2008. Additionally, the EPA estimates that approximately 2.5 billion pounds of textiles waste are prevented from entering the solid waste system by the textile recycling industry. By recycling bras with The Bra Recyclers, you are able to support our efforts to distribute bras to developing countries and support to women that are breast cancer survivors or transitioning from domestic violence situations in an environmentally friendly way.

The importance of bra recycling is often overlooked, even by some of the most environmentally conscious minds. “We are creating awareness about delaying the number of re-usable textiles, such as bras, that are unnecessarily being sent to landfills that could be used for women and girls in our communities who are experiencing challenges in their lives. The fact of the matter is, when having a clean bra is something most women take for granted, yet there are women in each of our communities that don’t have a bra to wear. Our goal is to combine environmental consciousness with empowering women by providing them with a simple lingerie staple to develop, blossom, and renew positive attitudes and self-esteem,” Elaine Birks-Mitchell, CEO and Founder of The Bra Recyclers stated.

The Bra Recyclers currently supports over twenty shelters and women’s organizations and are continually expanding their outreach. “The need for bras continues to grow and it is our goal to support organizations that are on the frontlines supporting deserving women and girls in transition nationally and globally,” Birks-Mitchell stated. In January, The Bra Recyclers will sponsor a bra drive to collect 1000 bras for women and girls in Haiti. Visit our website in the upcoming month for details on the Haiti bra drive.

To recycle your bras, simply fill out a Bra Recycle Form located on their website, and mail your donation to
The Bra Recyclers
3317 S. Higley Rd, Ste 114-441
Gilbert, AZ 85297

More information about The Bra Recyclers, including the Bra Recycle Form, can be found online at Connect with The Bra Recyclers on popular social networking sites by following them on Facebook at and Twitter at

About The Bra Recyclers
The Bra Recyclers is a division of Bosom Buddy Recycling, LLC based in Gilbert, AZ. They are a textile recycling company specializing in recycling bras and donating a portion of bras to deserving women in communities around the world. Established in October of 2008, The Bra Recyclers has expanded its support to 24 organizations around the country by providing them with recycled bras. The Bra Recyclers does its part to impact the environment by delaying the amount of unused bras/textiles that go to landfills, thus reducing the pressure on virgin resources.

For more information visit on The Bra Recyclers go to or contact 480-988-2283 or [email protected]. You can also visit The Bra Recyclers on Facebook at and Twitter at

Added by brarecycler on November 7, 2010

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