303 Pearl Street NW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504

In this one-of-a-kind event that celebrates Ronald Reagan's 100th birthday, we are hosting four actors who brilliantly portray the four American presidents -- Republican and Democratic -- who most influenced him. Our 40th president's optimistic, western vision was shaped by Thomas Jefferson. His free-market economics came straight out the presidency of Calvin Coolidge. During the Great Depression and Second World War, he was a steadfast admirer of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. And the combination of tax cuts and strong defense was from the playbook of John F. Kennedy.

Each of the actors is an accomplished character interpreter and historian in his own right. Colonial Williamsburg's William Barker will portray Jefferson. Jim Cooke will play Coolidge. John Hamant will present FDR. Brian Hilton will give us JFK. And Paddy Morrissey will be Reagan.

Join us for an enchanting evening of wit, wisdom, and lively history as we celebrate Ronald Reagan's heroes and explore the roots of our 40th president's worldview.

Space is limited, please RSVP.

Official Website: http://www.allpresidents.org

Added by kristy.czarnecki on January 18, 2011

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