1021 7th St. NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

One night only... Fr 12/2 @ 8PM...

There will be, free and open to the public...

An evening of words, songs, dubious scholarship, and overhead projections from...

Jonathan Coulton (Contributing Troubadour, "Popular Science")
John Hodgman (a professional writer, author of THE AREAS OF MY EXPERTISE, and recently a guest on The Daily Show)
Adam Mazmanian (the renowned public speaker, contributor to the Washington City Paper, and resident of the District of Columbia)
David Rees (creator of "Get Your War On,")
...as they visit our nation's capital, the city of magnificent distances.

Warehouse Theater
1017 7th St. NW


Added by mazmanian on November 29, 2005



the beginning time for this event is incorrect. should be pm instead of am.