MONDAY, JANUARY 8TH- THE SEATTLE SPELLING BEE, the 1st Monday of every month at Re-bar! (Please note- no bee on January 1st! It's one week after, on the 8th!!)
The 1st MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH we are proud to present THE SEATTLE SPELLING BEE!-the craze that swept the nation in the 1800s is back with a sting! Willing audience members and local spelling know-it- alls get drunk, flirt, and flaunt while they slur their way through progressively more difficult words to win drink tickets and prizes!
Each installment finds the best of the lot and progresses them up the ladder of competition until, finally, a SUPREME WINNER IS PROCLAIMED! If you loved the movies "Spellbound" and "Akeelah and the Bee" so will you love this night! Be part of the heated, exciting and age old competition style that was ripped of by American Idol by a rat- bastard Limey!
Spelling bees started in the 1800s and now are resurging, spurred on by wide distribution of spelling films like Spellbound, Bee Season, and Akeelah and the Bee, as well as the increasing popularity of ESPN and ABC's live broadcast of the National Spelling Bee. It's a great way for people to meet and chat in an upbeat setting.
Josh Malamy emerged as a Bee's 2nd Season champion in October 2005 in NY. He has relocated to Seattle recently with partner Benjamin Williams. Josh and his relationship with Benjamin were profiled in a tell-all article about an adult spelling scene in the The New York Times.
As co-hosts of the Seattle bee, Benjamin and Josh call upon anyone who has tasted spelling bee defeat and wants to right past wrongs, anyone who has tasted spelling bee victory and wants to relive the glory, and anyone who wants to drink and spell, or watch others drink and spell.
Doors are at 7pm, spelling bee starts at 8pm sharp! If you want to compete, get here early!! $5, cheap!
Official Website:
Added by poon on December 31, 2006