200 W. Marshall St.
Richmond, Virginia 23220

On March 8th, the RCC Mainstage goes where thousands of jobless, couch-less and love-less have gone before . Typically, your suggestions fuel the performers’ scenes, creating an improvised show so funny you’d swear it was scripted. This time, however, they’re using randomly chosen Richmond Craigslist ads as the inspiration for the off-the-cuff comedy.

Casual Encounters, For Sale, Rants and Raves…it’s all fair game for the RCC to turn into a hilarious world of situations and characters. Don’t make this show a missed connection!

Also featuring opening shortform games from WIFFLE and a set from RCC houseteam, KARATE PRACTICE!


Thursday, March. 8th
Doors: 8pm
$7 ($5 for students)
Gallery5 (200 W. Marshall St.)


Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/events/250662921686333/

Added by RVA comedy on February 27, 2012

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