Program: When Bodies Collide
Time: Saturdays & Sundays, January 21, 22, 28, 29, 2006
Venue: CounterPULSE
1310 Mission St (near 9th), SF / 415.626.2060
You know the spark when bodies collide? A great deal of RAWdance?s development process is based on partnering work ? we are constantly looking for those innovative and unique moments that occur when people come together. Pushing, caressing, dragging, leaning, flinging, pressing, twisting, and holding each other can generate ideas and material for a piece. This workshop will draw inspiration from a range of techniques, including contact improv, classical partnering, kids? games, ballroom, wrestling, etc. Working from such a diversified approach opens up partnering possibilities and keeps it fun. Some of the ideas we?ll explore include: using both muscle and momentum; developing trust and non-verbal communication with your partners; partnering with your whole body; and strengthening your body. Dancers of all levels of partnering experience are welcome. The intensive will culminate in a student showing during the Winter Residency Performance on February 2nd at 8pm. The intensive costs $150 (discount if taking both residency workshops so check out Sheldon Smith?s!)
For more info and registration, call 415-626-2060 or email [email protected].
Added by daisystanton on December 6, 2005