320 S. Cambridge Lane (Corner of Butler and Sawmill Rd.)
Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

Are you getting ready or just getting started?

Join Raw Food chef, Sunny Lee Savage for a 2
hour hands-on discovery workshop, at New Frontiers
Natural Marketplace, Saturday, August 20. In this
session, you will become familiar with the simple
equipment that makes a raw food life style so much
easier. Sunny will also answer your questions and
we will taste a couple of easy recipes that are simple
and yummy. Summertime is the best time to ease
more raw foods into your diet.
Let Sunny help you get started or improve on
your raw journey.

Call 774-5747 to reserve and pay $10 for your
place by August 15. All levels of experience welcome.

Sunny Lee Savage has been preparing raw foods for
her family for the past five years. A Flagstaff resident,
she works with health challenged and healthy people,
teaching the benefits of a raw food diet
New Frontiers - “We’re all about Your quality of life!”

Added by priyadrews on July 21, 2011

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