301 Central Ave Nw
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

HTML5 is a hot topic these days, and browsers are starting to implement various features from the spec. While elements such as native audio and video support are still fraught with issues, one part of the spec that is fairly stable is the element. Using , one can create interactive graphics using nothing but some JavaScript and some elbow grease.

However, the element is a raster element. Rasters make some people gag, and with good reason. For the vector lovers out there, we have Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). SVG support in browsers has grown strong, and there is support in the spec and in browsers for scripting them, allowing us to do some pretty amazing vector works in dynamic, interactive ways as well.

If you haven’t guessed by now, this presentation will be fairly technical in nature. We’ll be getting elbow-deep in some JavaScript. Prior knowledge of JavaScript and the definitions of raster and vector graphics could be useful, but isn't required. We'll do a brief primer on those distinction, as well as how JavaScript works with the HTML document object model in these cases.

While being technical in nature, this discussion will also be somewhat on the edge of the technology — not quite bleeding-edge, but these areas of web development are still being explored. Along that line, we'll also briefly touch upon WebGL, which is a very new specification for doing full in-browser 3D graphics work without any plugins at all.

It's a brave new world for graphics on the 'net. Let's take a look together.

Presentation to be followed by socializing at One Up for those folks who want to stick around.


Please be sure to register for this event on Eventbrite: http://webuquerque-april-2010.eventbrite.com/

We are limited to 40 attendees and will be checking names against our list of Eventbrite registrations.

Additionally, if you register on Eventbrite and do not show up three times during the course of the year, your name will be moved to the bottom of all future attendance lists and we cannot guarantee your seat.


While other kids were out doing normal kid things like sports or something, Brian Arnold spent as much of his childhood as possible in front of computer screens. As such, he's been developing software in a variety of forms since 1992.

Having received a BS in CS from UNM, Brian has worked as a professional in software development for 12 years, working for everything from small seat-of-the-pants web shops to America Online during its heyday, creating both desktop and web-based applications (vastly preferring the latter).

He has a lovely wife and two cute little dogs, and ranks among the top 5% of fake guitarists in Rock Band. He will happily chew your ear off about any of those things, amazing web technologies like HTML5 and jQuery, or really just about anything. He also tweets about these things over at @brianarn and can be found on a variety of services as listed in his Google Profile.


Rasters, Vectors & Scripting, Oh My! is also available on:

* Webuquerque: http://webuquerque.com/Events/Rasters-Vectors-Scripting.php
* Duke City Fix: http://www.dukecityfix.com/events/rasters-vectors-scripting-oh
* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=311523094805
* Adobe User Groups: http://groups.adobe.com/posts/7069e3e9c9

Official Website: http://webuquerque.com/Events/Rasters-Vectors-Scripting.php

Added by emilylewis on February 18, 2010