Moose Wilson Rd.
Moose, Wyoming 83012

Join a ranger for an educational and fun hike through the snow. Rangers offer guided snowshoe hikes from the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center. Programs begin on December 19th and run through March, snow depth permitting. Reservations are required, call (307) 739-3399 for more details and to make reservations. Reservations are accepted beginning on December 1, 2009. A $5 donation is suggested for the rental of snowshoes (provided during the ranger program), the program is free. Please wear appropriate winter clothing (e.g. hat, gloves, snow/wind pants, etc.) and don't forget your sunscreen and sunglasses.Winter nature loop to the Snake River: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Hike to the Murie Ranch Historic Landmark: Sundays and Wednesdays.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 2, 2010