7904 35th Ave Sw
Seattle, Washington 98126

In 'Murder is News,' radio columnist Jerry Tracy (Gallaudet) heads out to meet with a big industrialist who plans to break in on a clandestine meeting between his attorney and his wife. However, when he arrives, Tracy finds the body of the industrialist--murdered! He is then knocked cold. When he awakens, the body of the murdered man has vanished! What happened to the body and who is the killer? Tracy tries to find the answers. In 'The Most Dangerous Game,' Leslie Banks stars as loony Russian count Zaroff, a renowned big-game hunter who tires of stalking animals and begins hunting down the "most dangerous game" -- human beings. Luring unwary victims to his remote island, Zaroff wines and dines them, gives them a few hours' head start to run into the jungle, then hunts them down with rifle and bow and arrow.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 4, 2008