120 Parkhurst Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212

A FREE, three-session community conversation and showing of "Race -- The
Power of an Illusion," a provocative documentary that questions the very idea of race as biology. The series provides an eye-opening tool to help examine beliefs about race, privilege, policy and justice. Come to one, two or all three nights! Coffee, dessert and conversation follows each showing. Appropriate for children age 10 and up.

Wednesday, Jan. 23, 7 PM The Difference Between Us
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 7 PM The Story We Tell
Wednesday, March 26, 7 PM The House We Live In

Community House Church, central Northside
120 Parkhurst Street, 15212 (corner of Sandusky and Parkhurst, across from AGH emergency room entrance)

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of park_bench.

Added by park_bench on March 4, 2008

Interested 1