The sixth installment of Queering Sound again gathers together local, national and international artists ? with a non-exclusive curatorial focus towards gay, lesbian and post-gender-identified participants ? who explore alternative avenues of expression through sound, the digital arts, noise, and spoken word. The music performance space of the Warehouse complex will host both established and upcoming local talents as well as serve to introduce Washington audiences to new sounds and visions from across the globe through digital contributions. Compact discs, recordings, and other merchandise from contributors and performers will also be available for sale. Admission is $5.00 and available at the door.
LIVE PERFORMERS + POETS: BLK w/ BEAR, RH Bear of BILE [ NYC ], Ginger Richards of Federal City Five + The Hall Monitors, J-Lo-Fi, QIER: Queer Institute of Ersatz Research, Dan Vera, JR Logan, FEEDBACKACKACK! [ Pittsburgh ], and special guests the DC Radical Faeries ...
DIGITAL CONTRIBUTORS: Arthur Loves Plastic [ audio ], Doug Poplin [ audio ], Nowhereians [ audio ], Douglas Graves [ audio ], Nick Lopata [ video ], Marc Joseph Manning [ visuals ], Everything is Fine [ audio ], Heavy Lids [ audio ], Ethan Shoshan [ video ]
Official Website:
Added by BLKwBEAR on May 15, 2006