with Larry Connor, Ph.D. ACBA
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church 1329 Seventh Avenue, San Francisco
SFBA/ACBA members*: $35; Others: $50
Check-in: 9:30 AM
Morning Session: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Afternoon Session: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
If you have been regularly reading Bee Culture or American Bee Journal, or based on your own
experience, you are aware of issues and problems with honey bee queen longevity and queen acceptance
upon re-queening. There also is a growing interest in raising queens from locally-adapted survivor
colonies. Small-scale beekeepers, including urban and suburban beekeepers, have an opportunity to
undertake the care necessary to raise quality virgin queens, and to select for traits that enhance the
survivability of colonies under local conditions.
During this one-day queen-rearing short course, we will cover bee-sex fundamentals, along with weather,
hive and other conditions necessary to rear quality queens. We will discuss a number of methods that can
be used by small-scale beekeepers to raise their own queens as well as some equipment options that,
although not necessary, can be helpful for various reasons.
Instructor: Dr. Larry Connor has been a major proponent within the US beekeeping community of small-
scale beekeepers and beekeeping clubs rearing their own queens. He lectures widely on these and other
subjects at beekeeping conferences and beekeeping clubs across the U.S. He is the author of a number
of books and articles, a regular contributor to Bee Culture and American Bee Journal and is the owner of
Wicwas Press, a publisher of beekeeping books and media. He has a Ph.D. in entomology and is a
former Extension Apiculturist. He regularly teaches queen-rearing classes, including a 3-day course at his
Michigan farm, and he is writing a new book, Queen Rearing Essentials. Dr. Connor will have his books,
Increase Essentials (2006) and Bee Sex Essentials (2008) available for purchase at the class.
Co-sponsors: This class is co-sponsored by the San Francisco Beekeeping Association, www.sfbee.org,
and the Alameda County Beekeeping Association, www.alamedabees.org.
Lunch Break: We will take a one hour lunch break unless participants collectively elect a shorter break.
Participants should bring a bag lunch or plan to buy lunch at a nearby business.
Pre-registration by August 12 & Payment: This class is limited to 75 persons. Pre-registration is
strongly encouraged no later than August 12th. There are two options for pre-registering:
*Option 1: To register and pay by check or cash, send an email to [email protected] no later than
August 12, 2009. You will receive an e-mail reply with instructions.
*Option 2: To register and pay by credit card, go to the “Events” page of www.sfbee.org, open the class
flyer and click on the Pay Pal logo. Select the payment description that applies to you. By paying, you will
be registering for the class.
Directions, Transportation & Parking Options: http://seventhavenuechurch.org/home/?page_id=36.
Added by caterina on August 13, 2009