San Mateo
San Mateo, California 94401

To buy a home in San Mateo County, most of you will have to get some sort of home loan. Though today’s lending market has produced some of the best interest rates we’ve seen in a while, lenders aren’t just throwing money at every borrower with a pulse. You must qualify for the loan.

Qualify for a Loan? Just what does that mean?

To help answer this question, I will be presenting a webinar on Wednesday December 9th from 6:00-6:45pm entitled Guide to Qualifying for a Mortgage Loan.

What Will Be Covered?

I will explain what it takes to get pre-approved for a loan in San Mateo County including what a lender looks for in your loan application. Other topics include:

The CIA of Lending – Chris will explain the three most important factors a lender looks at in your loan application, your Credit, Income and Assets
Down Payment – How much money do you really need to own a home in San Mateo County?
Gift Funds – If you are getting money from a family member for a down payment, there is a right and a wrong way to accept the money. Not accepting the money properly could raise a red flag and the lender may not allow you to use this money for a down payment.
Closing Costs – Learn the costs of getting a loan in San Mateo County and how much you’ll need on top of your down payment.
Good Faith Estimate – A good faith estimate is the lender’s statement of the costs involved to get a loan. It is important you understand this document as it is the only way you can compare a loan accurately.
Loan Application – He’ll show you what a loan application looks like and explain the questions the lender asks.
How Would You Benefit from Attending?

Anyone who will need to get a loan to buy a home in San Mateo County should attend. Whether you are a San Mateo first time home buyer or trading up, qualifying for a San Mateo mortgage is much different today than years past. Why not get a head start in understanding the new lending rules and make the San Mateo home buying process as easy as possible?

Sign up at

Added by Chris Williamson on November 22, 2009

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