2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

Qigong (Chi Kung) is the centuries old Chinese practice of breathing and stretching to heal disease and improve health. It is easier to learn than Tai Chi, while still providing the same benefits of lowered blood pressure, increased immune system function, better organ function, and control of many stress related disorders. The Chinese medical system is holistic, and practicing Qigong integrates body, mind and spirit for overall health and well-being. For those who practice energy work of any sort, or who do magic, practicing Qigong is a fantastic method for increasing magical or internal healing energy. Qigong can be practiced by everyone, regardless of physical limitations, and has no negative side effects. Kyri Comyn has practiced several martial arts forms during her younger years, and when age and physical limitations arose, began practicing Tai Chi Chu’an for health. She now teaches Tai Chi at the Trails Rec Center in Aurora, at Arapahoe Community College, and Tai Chi and Qigong at the YMCA in Littleton, as well as continuing her studies privately in order to learn more Qigong and Tai Chi forms and practices. She is also a long-time Wiccan priestess.

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on May 24, 2010