222 E 6th St
New York, New York 10003

In attempting to understand creation, ancient people developed myths in which the egg was perceived as the source of life, the sun, and the universe. The Ukrainian pysanka (plural: pysanky) was believed to possess enormous power, not only in the egg itself (which harbored the nucleus of life), but also in the symbolic designs and colors drawn on the egg in a specific manner, according to prescribed rituals. Pysanky were used for various social and religious occasions and were considered to be a talisman, a protection against evil, as well as harbingers of good. In pagan times, pysanky were decorated in early Spring; with the introduction of Christianity, this was done before Easter. The symbolic ornamentation of the pysanka consists mainly of geometric motifs, with some animal and plant elements. Although contemporary artisans continue to employ ancient symbols and traditional colors on the egg, the pysanka is no longer considered to be a talisman, just a beautiful folk art object.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 6, 2010