107 N 3rd St #2H
New York, New York 11211

When you are putting together a sequence for practice how do you incorporate Utthistha Sthiti, Upavistha Sthiti, Paschima Pratana Sthiti, Parivritta Sthiti, Viparita Sthiti, udara akunchana sthiti, purva pratana sthiti with your surya namaskar? How do you plan your home practice within a week or within a month?

This workshop will look at how poses link together, we will also look how asana’s are grouped in terms of heating or cooling as well as how breathing fits into your asana practice.

For teachers and students of Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Hatha Yoga

Official Website: http://www.sanghayoganyc.com

Added by bendyburg on December 22, 2009

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