64 N. Carter St
Asheville, North Carolina 28801

Club 828 is opening their doors to allow for some gritty punk rockers to come in and turn their club into a dirty pit for one night! Come out this Friday and see all the punk rock we could squeeze into one night. Six bands, four from the local Asheville area, and two from Charlotte will storm the stage with feverent passion and hatred for authority. Don't miss this show!

Six bands for $5 - you better be there!

The Not Likelys (Charlotte Hardcore)
IED (Charlotte Hardcore/Ska)
B.A.C. (Asheville Hardcore)
Killing Solves Everything (Asheville Anarco-Punk)
Pleasures of the Ultra-Violent (Asheville Punk Rock)
Restrict This (Hendersonville Punk Rock)

This show is 18+

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/event.php?eid=121457751208630

Added by Killing Solves Everything on May 17, 2010