651 North 34th Street
Seattle, Washington

Doing good work in a fast paced engineering environment at Google is the topic of this month’s Puget Sound SIGCHI meeting Thursday, February 28, at the new Google office in Fremont , 651 N. 34th St.

No registration is required for this free meeting of UX professionals.

Networking starts at 6 pm, with the presentation at 7 pm. Job announcements will follow.

Projects at Google move fast with small teams. Jake Knapp, UI designer at Google, will talk about tactics the user experience team uses to have the maximum impact—even when there isn't enough time.

Jake will share the process and tips & tools that have helped his team. For instance, using "Getting Things Done" with Gmail and Google Calendar to keep organized, how to give effective presentations, and how to conduct a UX workshop with your team.

All this, and more, will be crammed into one hour. Cause we love compressed schedules!

Jake Knapp, UI designer at Google, grew up with the tall northwest trees, which he tried to copy in his six foot seven, and a half, frame. His family was happy to stop buying the groceries when he left home on Orcas Island for the UW. After school he was off to Microsoft and Oakley. Now he’s entertaining, encouraging, and inspiring his teams at Google.

The meeting will be at the new Google office in Fremont . The building is on the north side of the ship canal, immediately west of the Fremont Bridge . Google is hosting parking across the street from their building. The parking garage is on the first floor of the Getty Images building (enter off N. Northlake Way ).