1 Market Square
Saint John, New Brunswick

18 Apr. Thursday at 7pm: Public Talk – Join Gretchen Lescord, a graduate student at the University of New Brunswick in Saint John and the Canadian Rivers Institute as she presents on her research and experience working and living in the Canadian Arctic. Lescord’s supervisor, Dr. Karen Kidd, and fellow graduate students study the concentrations and effects of environmental contaminants in lakes, rivers, and streams across Canada. Lescord also works closely with Environment Canada and the Hunters and Trappers Associations of Inuit communities. Since 2010, Lescord has been studying contaminant levels in Arctic lakes and their fishes. Regular admission. (In English)

NBM Exhibition Centre, 1 Market Square
506-643-2300 / 1888-268-9595

Added by New Brunswick Museum on April 11, 2013