5368 Gulf Dr
Holmes Beach, Florida 34217

ANNE ABGOTT, watercolor artist and teacher, has been named the Featured Artist for March at Island Gallery West. A public reception will be held at the gallery on Friday, March 5, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. The public is invited to enjoy fine art, free refreshments and meet some of the co-op gallery's 27 local artists that evening at Island Gallery West.

Ms. Abgott's exhibition of watercolors, which opens March 1 runs through the end of the month. Call 941-778-6648 for further information. Regular gallery hours are 10-5, Monday through Saturday. Please visit the gallery's website at www.islandgallerywest.com and on Facebook.

Official Website: http://www.islandgallerywest.com

Added by marlanew on January 26, 2010

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