1140 Crescent Ave
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

If there's one thing that Atlanta's known for, it's the great bar scene. There's really no place in the nation like Atlanta, and PubCrawls.com has tagged it as one of it's major locations for it's popular events! While it may seem like each weekend is just as good as the next, there's one holiday that really gets everyone in the right frame of mind and that's Halloween! Don't stick at the same bars all night long on a night where everyone's hopping around. Halloween is all about variety, and PubCrawls.com has decided to put together what's considered to be one of the largest pub crawls in the nation at Austin!
This year the event's only going to get bigger and better, featuring $2 draft beers and 2 for 1 drinks at some of the most popular bars in town. Instead of trying to map out a night with friends, leaving you stressed and ultimately putting all the pressure on you, have your friends buy their tickets to this exclusive event and we'll do all the planning for you! Drinks for less and visit new bars where you'll meet new friends! This Halloween, PubCrawls.com's Austin pub crawl is looking to put the rest of the nation to shame!

For more info, please visit: http://pubcrawls.com/events/halloweekend-pub-crawl-atlanta.php

Or call 404.424.9509

Official Website: http://pubcrawls.com/events/halloween-pub-crawl-atlanta.php

Added by cardonarichie on August 31, 2011

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