For those out of work, either for Christmas or due to the current redundancy epidemic, or for those who just feel like a good old skive, the Pub Standards XXXVII Christmas Expansion Pack, taking place before Pub Standards XXXVII, is designed to draw out the cheery banter and beer swilling in to a day-long festive day of fun.
Added by ptg on December 10, 2008
Chandos. Cool.
Dare I suggest lunch beforehand?
Lunch before would be a good idea. Particularly if you're Ross.
I think i'm going to make an exception to my general "eatings cheating'" policy and say lunch sounds like a good idea. But only because it's christmas, i'm not getting soft in my old age.
I could recommend The Bloomsbury Tavern on New Oxford Street for epicly delicious Steak & Ale pie. A favourite lunchtime pub of the Y! webdevvery.
Good pub with good food sounds like a top idea. I assume they're vegetarian friendly (over 1/3 of those already signed up abstain from the consumption of flesh).
Is it the type of place that might get booked up for Xmas lunches, though?
Gosh, you Britons!
I'll join you in the evening, though :)
I seem to recall vegetarian items on the menu. Chips are veggie, right? :)
It's possible it'll get booked, but unlikely. It's not the biggest of venues and awkwardly shaped for a big group. Which is par for the course for us, but not most work dos.
there is also the bear and staff just outside the gcap offices, equally good pie/sausage combos' (including both vegetarian sausages and pies)
if we all arrive at the chandos for 12 then we can decide there and then!
Cuz it's, like, tomorrow, n'all, may I be so bold as to suggest we kick off proceedings at The Bloomsbury Tavern?
Has booze, has food, has spitting distance from The Bricklayer's.
I also like Boozeniges' plan of heading to The Bricklayer's early - maybe 5 - before people get there post-work, but I guess we can make that bit up as we go along.
Excellent. I'll be there for lunch around 12.
My body will get confused, angry, and possibly violent, if I try to feed it at 12. I'll be aiming more for 1-ish.
Do not forget your santa hats.
Well The Chandos should be done, I also enjoyed The Lyceum. Can't remember the name of the fat man pub in soho we went to but equally a good choice....
Bricklayers by 4pm? Hopefully this way we can hoard a big enough area and ensure none of the now unfortunately frequent pub standards rif-raf (in other words people not attending pub standards) don't get in