25 - 27 Brewer Street
London, England W1F 0RR

It's that time of year again. When we celebrate the approximate time of a "virgin" popping out a baby in a shed and continue the fine, fine, cheery, merry tradition of the Pub Standards Christmas Party.

Pub Standards will take place as usual (with a higher than usual turn out if previous years are anything to go by) at the same place, same time, same boogy.

But, following another tradition that has emerged in recent years, for those willing and able to make a day of it, here's the plan for a bit of an expansion on the Pub Standards theme:

1pm: Meet at El Camion for burrito lunch http://www.elcamion.co.uk/Soho.html
2pm: Afternoon tipple at the Nellie Dean http://www.fancyapint.com/pubs/pub219.php
5.30pm(ish): The 61st, and Christmas, Pub Standards at the Bricklayer's Arms

It's like having a beer after work only without bothering to go to work.

The hardcore x Upcoming = ?

Official Website: http://www.pubstandards.co.uk

Added by ptg on December 9, 2010