580 Albany Shaker Road
Albany, New York 12211

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Capital Region Chapter created the Empire Awards competition in 2008 to celebrate and commemorate the triumphs of the programs, projects and people that strengthen, promote and sharpen the public relations profession.

The awards recognize programs, projects and professionals for outstanding achievement in the practice and support of public relations in the Capital Region and beyond. The competition is open to both PRSA members and non-members.

Kirk Hazlett, APR, Fellow PRSA, Associate Professor of Communication, Curry College (Milton, Mass.) and National PRSA Board Director will emcee the evening.

In addition to bestowing awards in eleven categories, the chapter will recognize two local individuals for special awards: Outstanding Practitioner and Outstanding Communicator.

Official Website: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e4xp91um63e43fe5&llr=n6onjpbab

Added by Mike Lesczinski on September 27, 2011

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