Erzsébet körút 9-11.
Budapest, Budapest 1073

Project Zone is part of the Project Zone Summit Series, building bridges among PM Practitioners across the continent.

2011 will witness the largest gathering of Project Managers in Budapest, Berlin, and Stockholm delivering an exceptional 2 days of networking, learning and understanding the project-driven economy of the post-recession era.

Project Zone Summit Series Dates and Locations:

Budapest 28-29 April, 2011

Berlin 15-16 September, 2011

Stockholm 14-15 November, 2011

As the world is recovering from the worst recession since the 1930’s great depression, it is a chance not to be missed to reflect on challenges and possibilities caused by the global financial meltdown. Recovering times provide unprecedented opportunities for businesses to re-invent themselves and grow.

Crisis has proved that the demand for successful project managers who can assume full responsibility for a project and can guarantee it’s success actually increases in times of uncertainty.

While the recovery is around the corner, it is safe to assume that this demand will continue to grow in the future and that the gap between the demand for improved skill and expertise in the field of project management and the number of outstanding project managers will also grow.

Why is there such demand for skilled project managers and world class PM standards?

During the recent economic crisis, organizations ceased to carry out all their planned activities and were limiting themselves to those that are essential.

Organized and efficient work has helped businesses to ensure the success of the projects that they chose to carry out, as part of the efficient management of their organizational portfolio. This resulted that the importance of project managers, PM standards, practices and procedures have been valued even higher by most forward thinking businesses. This, coupled with the pressure of “freeing” the resources that are not needed at present but may be needed in the future gives priority to the issue of the “portfolio” of resources that the organization must choose from and the decision on which plans and projects to concentrate on, choose and carry out.

Under these circumstances, the importance of selecting the right teams and development of project managers becomes more and more critical. The emphasis on accountability, engagement and transparency, together with excellence in terms of proper project management is increasing in importance in the eyes of the organizational C Level executives and the board. Furthermore, the utilization of resources allocated to projects, the ability to control resources, open and clear communication and trust, documentation, risk management and earned value analysis have been growing importance as critical success factors in project completion.

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Added by on March 29, 2011