Topiwala Lane School, Lamington Road,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 7

Creative Commons India ( & is organizing a forum, titled: ?Profiting from a more Creative Copyright.? It is being organized for filmmakers, musicians, artists, writers and others with a creative persuasion.

It is being organized with multiple-objectives:

1. The broad pool of creative professionals are continuously grappling with the fundamental issues of Copyright law. How does copyright influence the borrowing, the sharing and the gaining from the creative process? What are the rights and limitations that copyright places on a creative individual?s functioning, growth and professional fulfillment?

2. The forum will aim to hear, document and share stories of the denial, abuse and the exploitation of our rights on our creations. Do individual artists face considerable challenges in legitimately gaining from and sharing their creative work?

3. What are some new developments with respect to copyright law happening across thw world? Why are creative individuals engaging in more of sharing and the promotion of ?free [access] culture.? How does the ?economy of sharing? function? What are the pre-requisites for it to grow and develop?

Discussion of all of this within a single meeting is an ambitious undertaking. However we intend to seriously build on such a momentum.

This forum would like to create opportunities for us to bond together (?network?) with instituions, organizations and individuals who share our concern for the creative individual and the public role of her creations.

Such forums will be held every few months. The discussions will often be continued on our blog and elsewhere. These discussions will prepare the ground for the scope of the activity of Creative Commons India and the licenses it plans to launch later this year. Please visit the above web-sites for more information.

Would you like to join us at this forum?

Added by prayas2 on March 21, 2006

Interested 1