10679 Westminster Blvd
Westminster, Colorado 80020

Professional Speaking Boot Camp

You too can become a world-class communicator

TIMES: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

WEBSITE: www.davinciinstitute.com/page.php?ID=203

INSTRUCTORS: Barbara Brannen, Don Cooper, Marcia Pessemier, and Thomas Frey

COST: $119 - ($79 for DaVinci Institute Members)

Register Here: www.davinciinstitute.com/page.php?ID=203

COMBO PACKAGE: Membership combined with Professional Speaking Boot Camp: $179 -

Register here www.davinciinstitute.com/page.php?ID=203

PHONE: 303-666-4133

Some of the valuable points you'll learn:

5 valuable tips for speaking with confidence and clarity... every time!

How to think on your feet, and handle any situation!

The very first thing you must do before you open your mouth or say one word to a group!

How to involve your audience, and make your job easier!

Ways to inject energy and excitement into any topic, no matter how dry or boring it is!

The 5 mistakes most speakers make and how to avoid them!

Are you a talented business executive or topic expert who wants to raise the stakes and commit to earning a living through professional speaking? Or are you a working professional who has always dreamed of polishing your speaking skills in order to enhance your effectiveness on the job – or in a future career as a speaker?

Whether you work for yourself, or a large corporation, the ability to persuade, influence and impact groups of people is the secret skill of master influencers. Learning these skills will have a dramatic effect on the way you see the world, and open doors for countless opportunities ahead.

This day is designed to be a turning point in your life. Regardless of whether you want a career as a professional speaker, or you want to be the best public speaker anyone has ever seen, this is an event where our team of talented experts will leave you with jaw-dropping moments so significant, that you walk away a changed person.

As an added bonus, people who attend this event will receive a 50% discount on future Colorado Speaker Association events this year.

Join us as we spend a day with the experts uncovering the hidden talents and hidden opportunities buried deep within yourself.

Official Website: http://www.davinciinstitute.com/page.php?ID=203

Added by DaVinci Institute on March 7, 2008

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