24 Fountain St NE
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503

Katrina vanden Heuvel vs. Rich Lowry

Katrina vanden Heuvel one of the nation’s leading liberal commentators today, is editor, publisher, and part-owner of The Nation—a weekly magazine and flagship of the Left. She is editor of a half-dozen books, and author of Meltdown: How Greed and Corruption Shattered Our Financial System and How We Can Recover (2009). She is a frequent commentator on MSNBC, CNN, and PBS, and her award-winning articles have appeared in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Boston Globe. Vanden Heuvel is a member of The Council on Foreign Relations, and she also serves on the board of The Institute for Women's Policy Research, The Institute for Policy Studies, and The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute.

Richard Lowry has been called today’s “edgy voice of fresh-faced conservatism.” He is editor of National Review—America’s most widely read and influential conservative magazine. Lowry is author of the New York Times bestseller, Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years (2003). He has written for the New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and Wall Street Journal. An outspoken conservative, he is a syndicated columnist and he serves as guest commentator on CNN, MSNBC, The McLaughlin Group, and Fox News—where he has guest-hosted “Hannity and Colmes” and “Fox & Friends.”

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Added by Hauenstein Center on April 2, 2009

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