300 Eighth Avenue W
Birmingham, Alabama 35204

When considering candidates for open positions, skills are most often highest on the list of selection determinants. However, when prioritizing the skills necessary to be successful in an organization, we must look beyond the candidate's degree(s) or skill/experience as a (fill in the blank). Finding the right fit for a department/organization requires an understanding on the environment in which the new hire will be placed. With environmental understanding, HR can guide and support the hiring manager in making decisions which improve the chances for new hire, managerial, departmental and organizational success. This presentation will discuss:

The ways to achieve environmental understanding

The role HR must play in improving environmental understanding

What The F.O.R.C.E. is

How The F.O.R.C.E. can be used in hiring

The long term affects of using The F.O.R.C.E. in organizations

In today's ever-changing and competitive environment, HR's role will continue to become more critical to the success of organizations. A clear understanding of department/organizational vision, mission, culture, and personality will be essential to creating and maintaining nimble, innovative and sustainable enterprises.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of Kennette.

Added by kennettereed on September 7, 2007

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