500 Foufth Ave
Louisville, Kentucky 40202

Preparing Successors for Family Business Leadership

With Dana Telford, Family Business Consulting Group

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
8:30-11:30A.M. at Seelbach Hilton Hotel
REGISTER TODAY! www.regonline.com/fbcjanuary2012

The founders of the family business must impart their vision and leadership to succeeding generations. Preparing those generations for leadership is challenging and encompasses a lifetime, but it is critical to the continuity and revitalization of the business. Indeed, one of the most important issues family businesses face is ensuring that successors develop attitudes and abilities that maximize their leadership qualities and capabilities.

This workshop explores strategies for a smooth transition, and offers suggestions for how to prepare successors for their role in the future of the firm. Participants will benefit from excellent real life examples of how to pass the torch to the next generation and explore the critical questions that all family business owners should consider as they prepare the future leaders of the family business. It will provide great insight to family members, non-family managers with whom they work, and even advisors to the family business.

This seminar and companion book will provide you with essential information to help you prepare your successor for family business leadership.

Added by LouisvilleFBC on December 21, 2011

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