215 W Ridgewood Ave
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450

Ladies, leave the men and kids at home and come out and join the Sassy Shop Girls, The Real Housewives of New Jersey and over 40 designers, boutiques and crafters exhibiting the latest Fall/Winter 2009 styles. A night of wine, past hors'devours, music and shopping shopping and shopping. To see a list of exhibitors at our event, log onto our website. We are adding new exhibitors every day.

Goodie bags for the 1st 100 guests. Start your holiday shopping with us with exhibitors selling, handmade jewlery, handbags, women and children clothing, spa treatments, stationary, home decor, holiday gift items and so much more all at a great price.

Portion of ticket proceeds will go to Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey. Free Parking.

To pre-pay please email us at [email protected].
Log onto www.thesassyshopgirlevents.com and pay using paypal

See you there!

Official Website: http://www.thesassyshopgirlevents.com

Added by The Beat of Miami Events, Inc on September 24, 2009