605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

PRAXIS is a New Haven-based improvisational trio making music inspired by a broad range of traditions. Interpretive and imaginative, ours is an eclectic improvised mix of classic, modern, folk and jazz styling, both original and traditional pieces. Rather like a marriage, our sets include something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

Philip Greene v Keyboards. Classically trained in piano and composition, and self-taught in American popular and religious music, Philip looks for contemporary intonations in all the music they play.

Shula Weinstein v Cello and Guitar (sometimes with a delay box). Shula grew up playing Bach, klezmer and schmaltz, and has held a pivotal position in the Flintladder Circus Pit band for over a decade. With an extraordinary ear, Shula can pluck the right notes and phrase from any musical melee.

Ben Ross, a.k.a. White Boy, Jr. v Harmonicas and piano. A real Detroit blues fiend, and alumnus of some of the original Buttonwood Tree musical presentations, Ben brings to the trio his long experience and knowledge of the history of the blues.

Added by elesia_b on December 13, 2010

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