Portland Street,
Manchester, England

Power Up with Final Cut Studio and Larry Jordan - Live!
The Final Cut Pro Studio Secrets You Need to Survive In This Economy.
If there’s one training event you attend this year then this is the one. These days, you need to learn how to be more efficient than ever. Join us in this fast-paced, full-day training seminar full of tips, tricks, and techniques for getting the most out of Apple Final Cut Studio. Whether you are a seasoned FCP user or new to the game, you’ll learn many important skills for boosting your productivity. Presented by world-renowned expert and author Larry Jordan whose lively presentations promise to keep the creative sparks flying this is an event you can’t afford to miss.


The Agenda

· Creating KILLER animated titles using LiveType

· Learning the Motion interface

· Making the switch to 3d in Motion

· Compressing video for the web using Compressor

· And always the most popular part of the training Q&A with Larry

Workshop attendees will receive

· Take away training manual

· Lunch and refreshments

· 2 free training tutorials – Ten Tips for Faster Editing in Final Cut pro and Creating Animated text in LiveType

· £150 off the price of your next training class with Academy Class

· Chance to win £1000 of free training with Academy Class

The Locations and dates :

Edinburgh 18/8, Manchester 19/8, Bristol 20/8, London 21/8

The Price - Early booking price is just £111.(£121 London). Limited spaces are available at each event. 20% discount for students.

Funding for Training

If you have Proven professional experience working in the film, TV and/or audio visual archives industries and can demonstrate that you are regularly working within these sectors either as a freelancer or an employee then you may be eligible for up to £800 worth of funding to cover the costs of training, travel and accommodation

Follow the link for full details of the event and funding options


Official Website: http://www.powerupevents.com/manchester.html

Added by silvertongueyoung on July 2, 2009