Powerful Technologies for Successful Entrepreneurs
Technology Training Seminar for business owners and entrepreneurs
Watch video:
Thursday, May 12, 2005 at 6:00 PM (3 hour instruction with half
hour break for dinner)
Vancouver Creative Events (VCE) Centre
200 - 11031 Bridgeport Road
Richmond, BC V6X 3A2
Venue tel: 604-247-2582
May 9, 2005 and before - $24.99 (+tax) *** Dinner included!***
After May 9, 2005 - $69.99 (+tax)
RSVP confirmation by tel: 604-669-0015
Tickets: http://www.pacificit.ca/tickets/050512.html
Online Branding? Social Networking services? Tech tools and toys? VoIP? Huh?? Come join an exciting and entertaining evening with Technology Trainer Robert Sanzalone as he unravells the mystery behind these terms and EASILY shows you and other entrepreneurs the necessary technologies and new services you NEED to survive in business.
Delicious and satisfying dinner included!
Don't wait too long! Reserve your seat today!
Added by pacificIT on May 9, 2005