619 S. Wabash
Chicago, Illinois 60605

Create effective and powerful public service announcements by learning to write PSAs and develop ideas for radio and television. You will also learn how PSAs fit into your media campaigns. Take advantage of this valuable and cost effective tool to further tell your organization’s story. The training is taught by Chicago Public Radio producer Tammy Terwelp.

Register Today at http://tinyurl.com/65eyqn

As Chicago Public Radio's traffic director and SOUNDMARKS producer, Tammy is responsible for creating and managing the schedule of announcements heard on air between programs and producing and managing the SOUNDMARKS project. She also works closely with our Vice President of Programming to schedule our Sunday Night Specials and other special programming and is in charge of all PSAs (Public Service Announcements)

Official Website: http://tinyurl.com/65eyqn

Added by Diana2008 on November 17, 2008