Bali, null

When you learn how to breathe correctly, you truly empower your life. Rid yourself from emotional pain and discomfort.

Feel healthier, think clearer, become the master of your emotional responses…

There are a wide variety of experiences in life and a breath for each circumstance. Shankari will give you the chance to become more skilled and focused.

Shankari the Alchemist has been a student of “Pranayama” for over forty years:

"Breathing is the essence of when I practice yoga or any physical exercise system. In fact I cannot think of a single thing in my life that has not benefited from my original understanding about the breath.”

$330 for two days, 6 sessions, 2 dinners
(accommodation is not included)

A $50 deposit is required upon registration.

You will receive a special price reduction for paying in full,limited spots are available for this life changing experience.

Secure your spot today!
Early bird Registration Rate (Before 1st of July 2009):$280

Come with Shankari and experience the Power of Breath Workshop Series available in Bali, Hawaii, L.A. and Sydney.
This workshop will really change your life.

Added by carlysupcoming on May 27, 2009

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