49 Cheltenham Place
Brighton, England BN1 4AB

A meet-up for programmers, web developers and designers to discuss and showcase their "£5 apps" - lightweight software created by one or two people who take a simple idea and run with it.

The discussion will range from technical (what tools/languages were used during development) to business (building communities, spreading the word, costs and rewards).

Tony Ellis (http://www.conceptioneering.co.uk) will be speaking about moving from being an employee to an inventor, successfully licensing 45 electronic inventions. Tony spoke at an earlier RobotBrighton on his robots and toys, now he'll give the story about how he jumped from a career in electronics to running his own company, figuring everything out on his journey to licensing 45 toys and games to large
distributors like Mattel and Radica.

Next Seb (http://www.sebleedelisle.com/) - Flash Guru and previous 5K App winner - will be talking about a new project called IWillPayYourParkingTicket he is working on with Jamie Matthews (http://www.j4mie.org/).

Finally Raul will give a talk short talk that:

" ... suggests that we need a new language that reflects the changes in society and technology - for if we don't, we will not be running accordingly with that speed of evolution, call it the digital age, web 2.0 or otherwise."

Official Website: http://fivepoundapp.com/meetup/19/

Added by lilspikey on July 17, 2009



Speakers will include Tony Ellis on his career as a (very!) successful inventor of hardware and electronic games, Seb and Jamie on IWillPayYourParkingTicket (new project) and one other speaker.
Tony previously spoke at RobotBrighton about his robots, here he'll talk more about how he boot-strapped his career with no formal education, funding or mentorship, we're rather lucky to have him along as his story will be darned interesting.