1 Auchinleck Square
Birmingham, England B15 1DU

Coder? Innovator? Entrepreneur?

Have you got any of the following?
...genius ideas but not the time/skills to realise them?
...ninja coding skills and looking for a project?
...infinite energy but nothing to channel it into?

Meet the people you need to get things going at the £5 App Meeting now in Birmingham.

It's a regular, free, grassroots thing aiming to mix up ideas, know-how
and energy to spark off wicked web-based projects on a shoestring.

Mulled wine, mince pies and one or two interesting talks supplied.

See the original £5 App site homepage below.

Most people have signed up on Facebook if that's your thing:

Official Website: http://www.fivepoundapp.com

Added by sixball on November 28, 2007



Simon - it is so darn cool to see that you've kicked this off. We're up to 40 now for our Brighton £5 App Xmas special (our 9th!):
and I expect that the photos to come will be somewhat beery:

Good luck bringing it together, I hope to hear great things - stick photos into Flickr please and point me at a write-up, I'll spread the word down here.

Don't forget this kids - what we've got here is 'startup rock n'roll':



You can also sign up on Facebook if you prefer: http://ubrm.facebook.com/event.php?eid=7578794198