269 Spring St
Melbourne, Victoria

• Do you think it is wrong that women earn, on average, 17.8% less than men?
• Are you concerned that 40% of all workers have jobs that are insecure?
• Ever been a casual worker, paid peanuts and treated like crap?
• Worried that your fixed term contract is coming to an end and don’t know what’s next?

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is planning a campaign against the epidemic of insecure work — and we’re kicking off our own grassroots campaign in support.

Celebrate May Day by attending the launch of a campaign postcard to tell the ACTU that insecure work is an important factor contributing to unequal pay. Get behind the call for the ACTU Congress to kick off a campaign for secure jobs that mobilises rank and file workers and builds a mass movement in workplaces and puts feet on the street!

So come along, find out about the campaign, sign a postcard, have a drink, and share horror stories about casual and other insecure work.

If you can’t attend the launch, please let us know if you would still like to contribute by sending a postcard or getting some to share with your workmates!

Hosted by Pay Justice Action,
PO Box, 308, Brunswick, Victoria, 3056.
Email: [email protected] Phone: 03 9388 0062.

Added by Solidarity Salon on April 1, 2012

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