1100 Kings Hwy N
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034

Today, slouching and the health and appearance problems it generates, including the negative impression it sends in a job interview, are more problematic due to endless hours in front of computers and PDA’s. Aching shoulders, necks and backs are just some of the physical effects of poor posture. Since balancing books on your head to improve posture is passe´, not to mention awkward, how are today’s wellness experts helping adults and children stand straighter? Postural consultant Debbie Parrish of Cherry Hill and Dr. Jeff Eichenbaum of Advantage Chiropractic in Haddon Heights are joining forces for the first time to answer that question in a fun and informative, FREE, Post-Holiday Wellness Workshop on Improving Posture. The workshop will be held Wednesday evening February 24 at the *Cherry Hill Public Library between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. Please register by February 16 at 856-546-0055 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Added by jackieppr on January 6, 2010

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