970 Fort Wayne Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

June 23 - Positive Acts: Art, Awareness & Activism; 6-10 p.m. at Big Car N.

(if you miss the opening, there's a
closing show July 7 from 6-9 p.m.)

Positive Acts is a themed invitational art exhibit focusing on HIV/AIDS. The show is organized and curated by Robert Evans III.

Artists will be able to see how activism in art can positively change the world around them. It will also encourage safer sex and community involvement. Artists are invited to create a single work of art, in any medium, concerning HIV/AIDS. The work will be offered for silent auction. Half of the proceeds will be returned to the artists, with the remainder being donated to the Damien Center in conjunction with the opening of their new facility. One piece will be selected for display as part of the Damien Center's collection.

Featured Artist: Kelly Beerbauer, Todd Bracik, Larry Endicott, Carrie S. Cooper, Jose Luis Di Gregorio, Robert Evans, III, Carrie Hettle, Stacey Holloway, Susanna Hoone, Zachary Lopez, Amanda Martin, Kipp Normand, MaryAnne Nguyen, Quincy Owens, Ahmed Ozsever, Michelle Pemberton, Austin Pittman, Nathan D. Pollock, Kenneth Rhem, Dane Sauer, Adrian Stanley, Ventiko, Jim Walker

Event Sponsors: The Efroymson Fund, Big Car, The Indianapolis International Film Festival, The Damien Center, NUVO Newsweekly, Fathers and Families Resource/ Research Center Inc.

Official Website: http://www.bigcar.org

Added by jjwalker on June 7, 2006

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