605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

“The Time for Giving is Upon Us!”


Renowned photographer Maureen Edwards will be taking family photographs in support of The Buttonwood Tree. All proceeds will benefit NEAR’s programs and services.

For your $50 donation you may have two groupings (ie: You – You and your spouse, or you/your spouse and you/all the family – or you for your work related headshot and you for a holiday greeting card). You will receive one color 8 x 10 photograph and a proof sheet, which contains many of the shots taken.

Each person donating will have a half hour sitting with the photographer. To register contact The Buttonwood Tree at 860-347-4957 or email us at [email protected]

Miss your school photo day? Need a photo for your portfolio? Sending a Christmas card? Additional photos may be purchased from the photographer just in time for the holidays!

Middletown Framing Shop at www.middletownframing.com has graciously offered a 20% discount on all photographs generated here and for any work for our Members (Memberships coming soon). They are located just a block away, next to the Firehouse at 501 Main Street.

Official Website: http://www.middletownframing.com

Added by elesia_b on October 12, 2010

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