622 SE Grand Ave
Portland, Oregon 97214

Join us for presentations, show & tell and lively group discussions about Python web and network frameworks, followed by beer at Produce Row & more discussion.

Django, Twisted, WSGI, and maybe Pylons, TurboGears, tg2, Grok, Zope, AppEngine, orbited, Mantissa... with your help! No formal presentation required- show & tell is great, 10,000 feet or just a single feature you like or dislike. Plug in your laptop and show some code.

Pizza will be provided by Vidoop! PLEASE rsvp on Meetup & help us ensure there's enough pizza for everyone.


We also have some great book give-aways, courtesy of O'Reilly. Presenters get first pick, then we'll free-for-all the remainder.

Official Website: http://python.meetup.com/183

Added by jek on June 4, 2008